Saturday, July 11, 2009

Add Sparkle To Your Nail

Bare is boring. Why not shade “ups” for an even more fashionable look? Take a break from cheering with a fun manicure and pedicure. Polish your nail is a fun and easy way to play with fashion and change your look at the drop of a glove. I enjoy and love doing it during my weekends beside blogging. I’m going to paint dark red to match my outfit for next week. How about you? Do you tend to wear more neutral colors or bright colors? I love changing shades every season. Yes! in the fall, dark color shades like brown are complimentary. Where as summer light colors or a french manicure compliment to tanned skin. So have you decide your color? Perhaps you may add some of your creative imaginations instead of just painting it plain this time to be the center of all attraction wherever you go.


  1. Adore the green and gold colours, definitely a good way to accesorise or spruce up an outfit. great selection of photos!

    - nadia

  2. Really fun manicures! Love the Chanel green!


  3. Hi!
    Thanks for your comment =)
    I love klein blue on nails, also dark brown/wine, altought I have nail polish in almost every colour haha.

  4. i like to add sparkling butterflies to my toe nails.

  5. That green looks so fun and fresh!

  6. Hi!
    liked your blog and nice to meet someone from Singapore

  7. I adore nail art!
    And my favourite shades for nail polish are pearl pink and fiery red!

  8. thanks for sharing your pretty mani and pedi. wow! you all look great! i'm going to do french by adding some gold glitter to my tips :)

  9. On holidays at the moment. Love the style, very glam. Thank you so much for visiting my relationship tips blog. Cannot navigate through the interest section at the moment, do u have this problem also? It's nice to visit Singapore even if only virtual. I am steering style conscious ladies in your direction.

  10. Pretty sparkly nail ideas... I need a manicure too... :)

  11. Hi! I want to see your dark red manicure:)
    I feel like to paint manicure on my nail now!!
    thanks for sharing!

  12. Thanks Teenchefgirl for your support. I'll vote for you too. :)

  13. i prefer silver tips instead of color silver for the nails. unless you like the metallic effect. :)

  14. hi parisa. actually my dark red look quite similiar like the pics (the model in white) and i love this color now. lol. let's paint yours too and share with us on your blog. :)

  15. I love the idea of metallic nail polish, specially towards autumn it's perfect with new season's colors. That pic of Pulp Fiction is great, the look of Uma is always so classic.
